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NSA/CESG Approved Degaussers

The Hard Disk Drive Recycler SV91M Degausser & Eraser TS-1 NSA Listed Auto Verify Degausser
SV91M Security Degausser & Eraser
Price: US$3,879.75
Sale Price: US$3,359.99
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The TS-1 Data Eliminator
Price: US$19,775.00
Sale Price: US$18,295.00
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The Disk Recycler NIST/DoD Scaleable SAS & SATA Hard Drive Wiper, is a scriptable high-speed disk drive tester, wiper, repairer built for professional hard disk recycling applications. The Disk Recycler units can link together as one large system or as multiple smaller systems.

Automatic Erasure of high density magnetic media. Drawer operated security eraser for cassettes and cartridges. The tapes or cassettes are placed in the drawer compartment and rotated within the 7000 Gauss field ensuring uniform & complete erasure.

Compact and portable, the TS-1 can be easily transported to the location of the media for on-site erasure and de-classification. The TS-1 confirms the field strength of each and every erase cycle guaranteeing complete erasure every time.

TS-1 IRONCLAD Hard Drive Degausser/Eraser
TS-1 IRONCLAD Degausser
Price: US$22,175.00
Sale Price: US$20,595.00
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SDD Master - NSA and UK CSS Approved Degausser
Price: US$24,119.55
Sale Price: US$20,894.99
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The TS-1 IRONCLAD scans the hard drive serial number, erases the hard drive, captures an image of the degaussed hard drive, records the operator's ID, and documents the erasure status of the degaussed hard drive. The SDD Master - Maximum Security Hard Drive Degaussser is the only way to safeguard complete and permanent erasure, in most cases this will render the hard drive inoperative. Deleting or overwriting files is simply not enough!

NSA: The NSA is an agency of the US government which is responsible for protecting U.S. government communications and information systems. The NSA publishes the EPL-Degausser (Evaluated Products List – Degausser) which specifies the current models of degaussers that have been evaluated against and found to satisfy the requirements for erasure of magnetic storage devices that retain any level of sensitive or classified data.

CESG: The UK Government CESG has approved the use of products listed on the NSA Degausser Evaluated Product List to degauss to the higher security level – for CONFIDENTIAL and above.

Many government agencies are required to manage their data security to detailed government specifications which would require them to buy an approved degausser. Safe and secure data disposal is critical within the military which is why the Department of Defense (DOD) also adheres to the guidelines outlined out in the NSA CSS Policy Manual 9-12 for the destruction of classified material. In addition, if an organization is involved in managing highly sensitive or confidential information such as financial, medical, education, personal and legal information, they must be vigilant in how they deal with the disposal of such information and the use of an approved degausser would be highly recommended.